Should states favor Managed Medicaid over traditional fee-for-service Medicaid to cover poorer Americans?
Background Information
Debate Question:This is what a short summary question would look like.
Nearly two-thirds of Medicaid beneficiaries get coverage through private, mostly for-profit, managed care plans. The remaining Medicaid recipients are in fee-for-service (FFS) programs run by the states.
in favor
Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) save money vs. FFS Medicaid and provide better outcomes.
Zetema Panelist In Favor
+1 Good Point
There is little evidence that Medicaid MCOs consistently are more cost-effective than traditional FFS, or that they have a better impact on health. Some of the savings have come from restrictive policies that prevent beneficiaries from getting care they need.
Zetema Panelist Against
Good Point+1
States that have made upfront investments in provider networks and delivery reform, such as those in Minnesota and Massachusetts, have shown they can use Medicaid MCOs to improve care and control costs.
Zetema Panelist In Favor
+1 Good Point
In reality, very few states have made or will make these investments in their Medicaid programs. Minnesota and Massachusetts historically have been outliers in their healthcare policies and investments.
Zetema Panelist Against
Good Point+1
MCOs are flexible and can provide some services that generally aren’t available in the FFS framework, such as special chronic disease management and innovations in coordinating care across healthcare settings.
Zetema Panelist In Favor
+1 Good Point
These services haven’t been widely used by Medicaid MCOs.
Zetema Panelist Against
Good Point+1
Medicaid MCOs negotiate rates with providers, ensuring at least a minimal level of provider acceptance of payment rates. FFS Medicaid rates often are so low that many doctors refuse to treat Medicaid patients.
Zetema Panelist In Favor
+1 Good Point
To offer better rates, MCOs usually restrict the choice of doctors, while the FFS system offers a broader range of providers.
Zetema Panelist Against
Good Point+1
Medicaid MCOs are run by private companies and therefore are more efficient than FFS government programs.
Zetema Panelist In Favor
+1 Good Point
MCOs have higher overhead, generate income that could be used for treatment, pay their executives big salaries, and prioritize profit over making poor people healthy.